Kia ora! I'm Amelia!
Human Interface Jewellery_Cursor trail_Icon earrings.jpg

Human Interface Jewellery

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Human Interface Jewellery™ came about when Amelia brought four of her passions together; UI and jewellery design, 3D cad design and futurism. One night when Amelia was in a metalsmith course, (attempting to design kinetic jewellery pieces after spending the day pushing pixels around in user interface designs) the penny dropped. That moment of realisation resulted in HIJ’s first range.  

Sketches of the designs were shared with friends and fellow women in technology in New Zealand - who ended up loving them! The first few pieces were made by hand to get a feel for the metal/materials, and the rest is what you see now on the site. was launched on 19th March 2018 and is Amelia's start-up. 

The cursor necklaces. 

The cursor necklaces. 

The icon earrings. Chosen via customer survey. 

The icon earrings. Chosen via customer survey. 

Virtual Reality Gallery UI design - 

Virtual Reality Gallery UI design - 

Tone of voice created for HI Jewellery Brand. 

Tone of voice created for HI Jewellery Brand. 

HI Jewellery Instagram - @hijewellery

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